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Alarming Rise in Smoking Among Women Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Dr. Arun Kochar

3 min read

Mohali, September 21, 2024: Smoking had been predominantly associated with men for several decades. However, the number of women smokers has been rising constantly at an alarming rate. This paradigm shift has been quite worrisome and has extreme potential drastic consequences for their health. The sudden trend of smoking among women has further significantly contributed to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, says Dr Arun Kochar, Additional Director of Cardiology at Fortis Hospital Mohali.

How Smoking Impacts Cardiac Health
“Smoking impacts the health of a woman in a number of ways. In fact, it has greater influence on cardiovascular health in them compared to men, in whom it is one of the prime causes for high mortality and morbidity. There are many explanations for this increased association,” added Dr Kochar.

Dr Kochar further elaborated that women were protected from heart diseases due to high estrogen levels. “Smoking causes this protective effect to be lost. Younger women who smoke and those who smoke heavily are at a higher risk. The risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked daily,” he added.

Smoking, particularly in combination with oral contraceptives, significantly increases the risk of heart attacks, and strokes. Women who smoke are more likely to develop atherosclerosis (the build-up of plaque in arteries) more rapidly, which can lead to a heart attack. “This combined with the fact that overall less women are diagnosed on time, treated and cured due to heart disease put women smokers at exponential risk of major adverse cardiovascular events”, added Dr Kochar.

Current Trends in Women's Smoking Habits
While overall smoking rates have decreased in several developed nations, women in various regions, particularly low and middle-income countries, continue to smoke at alarming rates. The prime Cultural Shifts: In some societies, smoking has become socially acceptable for women, reflecting changing gender roles and urban sophistication.
Stress and Coping Mechanisms: Stress and anxiety often lead women to smoke as a form of self-medication amid the pressures of balancing work and family responsibilities.

Addiction Challenges
Nicotine addiction is a critical driver of smoking behaviour among women, influenced by several factors:

Biological Factors: Women may metabolize nicotine more quickly than men, potentially leading to stronger addiction. Hormonal fluctuations can also complicate cessation efforts.
Psychosocial Factors: Emotional regulation, body image concerns, and social smoking behaviours further entrench the habit.
Weight Control: Many women perceive smoking as a means to suppress appetite, complicating their attempts to quit due to the fear of weight gain.

Tips on giving up smoking

Effective methods to help women quit smoking involve a combination of behavioral interventions, pharmacological treatments, and alternative approaches. Behavioral interventions include counseling, either individually or in groups, support groups.

Pharmacological interventions include Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in various forms such as gum, lozenges, patches, inhalers, and mouth spray. Prescription medications like Bupropion, Varenicline, and Nortriptyline can also aid in quitting smoking.

For women, hormonal fluctuations should be considered when timing quit attempts, and weight gain concerns can be addressed through healthy eating and exercise. Stress management techniques and social support from family and friends are also crucial.

To increase success rates, women should identify triggers, set quit dates, reward progress, and monitor progress.

Research indicates that behavioral interventions achieve a 20-30% quit rate, pharmacological interventions reach 30-50%, and combination therapy attains 50-60%. Alternative methods that may complement traditional treatments include stress management yoga and meditation

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